The Fastest Way to Sync Success

Finding Sync Licensing Opportunities

So many people think sync licensing success in TV and film comes purely from hard work. A lot of people think the fastest way to success is through taking the direct route.

The problem with this is the goal may change as you’re working towards it, so you must work smarter, not harder. The world of sync is an ever shifting and constantly changing medium. You are a part of this world, and you are also ever shifting and changing. 

The route to success in sync placement is not a direct straight line. It is a long winding road. It is a continuous negotiation of ever-changing circumstances. 

There are two main components of this winding road to sync licensing success in TV and film:

  • Recognizing or Seeing Opportunities 

  • Creating Opportunities

They both have equal value.

Seeing Opportunities

A great exercise for this is first grabbing a piece of paper…then:

  • Put your goal at the top

  • Put yourself at the bottom

  • And in between, put all the pieces of a puzzle that are remotely related to you achieving this goal. It could be a person, a place, a time, an event. They aren’t sequential yet. 

Now, start to draw lines between these pieces and make connections. Think about what pieces could lead to another piece. And what could these moves unveil?

As you’re doing this, you will inherently start creating opportunities. 

Creating Opportunities in Sync Licensing

You will eventually meet at an impasse of this maze when connecting the pieces where you can’t see the next step. 

In between these impasses, you can write down an opportunity you need to create to get to the next piece of the puzzle. 

Now you’ve gotten over this hurdle, you can start connecting the pieces again. 


This is an example of how success in sync licensing is a winding road. 

This is important for people like you because you are a musician. You are creative. That creativity is what can help you, (more than anyone or anything else in the world) achieve those successes. 

Now, about this hard work stuff. I’ve said to work smarter not harder, and that hard work can be secondary to these opportunities. 

So, you may be asking yourself - is hard work still important?


But what you can do now that you have this path to achieving your goal is you can see each goal in front of you and sprint to it. That’s where hard work comes in.

It is directed hard work towards a specific goal that’s going to get you to your ultimate goal.

Being Courageous

Another part of this is being courageous.

Instead of being fearful of reaching out to someone, making that phone call, or taking that step that seems scary, I want you to write down 3 things that you’re going to do no matter what.

I want you to have that courage to achieve those things that seem scary. 

Once you take each of these baby steps that lead to your goals, it’s going to feel good and it’s going to be motivating. 

Before you know it, you are going to find yourself getting closer and closer to your goals and to sync licensing success. 

Will your goals still change?

Yes - and that’s ok! Almost all your goals that you achieve will look different from what you envisioned when you started. 

Fate is an average of direction. 

Your goals will shift and change, but they shift and change with you and work out to be what’s best for you. 

Sync licensing success is a winding road, but this is the fastest way that I know of that will get you there.