

From Zero To Full-Time Syncs

February 13, 2018

She had just lost her job.

Her dreams of making music for a living seemed like they were about to end.

She wondered how she would be able to make ends meet.

Then, with a simple change in her life, she suddenly started getting regular sync placements.

Megan’s story is an amazing example of what can happen when you take the right steps… because it may turn out better than you expected.


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  1. John M says:

    Great insight for me and a great little bio video spot for Megan. A brilliant idea to capitalize/promote success.

  2. fernando says:

    I check out her website. It’s beyond world class. I also friended her on social media; she’s super friendly and helpful. There’s something about this course that attracts really great people.

    • Chris SD says:

      Agreed! I am so lucky to have such a talented and great group in the course. It’s also really cool how everyone is helping each other out in the private group. It goes to show the power of the people.

  3. Jamie Alonge says:

    I want that License Life!

  4. Howard Delnick says:

    There is nothing that says we can’t do it too. Her success proves that this program works and it is just motivating me more to go for it.

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